Bring home the Plenary talks, virtual workshops, panel convos, speaker & attendee interviews and more from Mosaix' 5th National Conference (November 2022)
Your Digital Access Pass includes...
- 30 main stage speakers spanning 6 Plenary sessions featuring twelve 8-minute talks & eighteen 16-minute talks
- 7 Virtual Conference workshop (breakout) sessions
- 4 Main Stage panel conversations
- Exclusive “live-at-the-event” interviews featuring speakers, sponsors, and attendees
- PDF version of the official conference magazine
- Discounted tickets for attendance at any 1-day regional conference in 2023

- The Digital Access Pass is provided solely for the purchaser’s personal and/or tangential team development. It may not be re-posted in video or written form, modified, leveraged for financial or professional gain or sold without the expressed written permission of Mosaix Global Network.
- Purchase of the Digital Access Pass entitles the purchaser alone to view and/or download its content to one (1) desktop or laptop computer, tablet or mobile device.
- The purchaser may show/use the content to discuss with and/or train vocational organizational staff and/or additional lay team leadership but may not otherwise distribute the material (whether via video or in written word) beyond the one (1) desktop or laptop computer, tablet or mobile device.
- Distribution limitations are similar to songs purchased on iTunes. The songs may be played for other people via the purchaser’s device but may not be copied and/or further distributed to other individuals.
- Purchasers of the Digital Access Pass may not share their login credentials with others in any way that would allow for additional (unauthorized) viewing, use or download of the material contained therein.
- The content of each speaker’s talk remains his or her intellectual property and more broadly published/distributed by the Mosaix Global Network. Any quotation of a speaker’s content in written or other forms (i.e., via social media, etc.) must be properly attributed to the speaker as well as to the Mosaix National Conference (2022).
- At no time may Digital Access Pass content or material be used or distributed beyond the terms and conditions stated above.