More TBA
I. Certifications
- CQ® Certification for Faith-based Facilitators led by Dr. Harry Li and Dr. Graham McKeague (begins Monday, November 10)
For those already certified by the CQ center desiring to facilitate workshops exclusively in Christian contexts. - Church Economists® Certification led by Dr. Jay Moon
II. Intensives
- Exponential Español curated by Obe & Jacqueline Arellano and others TBD
- Alternative Intelligence
Conisder the coming impact of pastoral bots, VR, human augmentation, and more, on the church. Curated by Rev. Dr. Christopher Benek and others TBD - The Immigrant Church & A Call for Mutuality curated by Daniel Yang, Alex Mandes, and others TBD
- Transcending Preferences
Consider the why and what of creating a worship culture that transcends personal or demographic preferences. Curated by James Wafford III, Pamela Marin Velaźquez, Mario Ortiz & Justin Spann