Irwyn Ince
Dr. Irwyn L. Ince was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY to Mr. Irwyn Ince Sr. and Mrs. Margaret Ince. In 1987 he met the former Ms. Kim Shepard-El. The two were married in 1992 and are the proud parents of four wonderful children and a beautiful, precious granddaughter. Following his graduation from City College of NY in Harlem with a Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, he began his professional career as a systems engineer and project engineering manager in the Washington-Baltimore Metropolitan area.
Dr. Ince sensed a call to ministry and earned his Masters degree from Reformed Theological Seminary, Washington, DC on a part-time basis while continuing his engineering career. Following his graduation in 2006 Dr. Ince helped plant City of Hope Presbyterian Church in Columbia, MD.
In 2016, he received the Doctor of Ministry degree from Covenant Theological Seminary. His dissertation was on Identity Formation in Diverse Churches. He firmly believes that the ministry of reconciliation demonstrated in the local church by the gathering of people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities, is the natural outworking of a rich covenantal theological commitment. He made it his aim to share this vision through his role as Executive Director of ICCM.
In 2021, the Permanent Committee of Mission to North America unanimously elected Dr. Ince to be MNA Coordinator.
In addition to his passion for his family and for ministry, Dr. Ince is gleefully committed to coffee and Kettlebells. When he’s not spending time with his family or preaching and teaching in the church, you can find him coaching classes at a local gym in DC.