Contentious Issues
Consider how best to navigate nuance and the complexities of divisive topics that are negatively impacting Christian witness today, and the added challenges of doing so in a multiethnic environment.
Session A - Wednesday, Nov 9 (10:45a)
Heritage, Hate, or Hinderance? • Chris Williamson
In discussions of all things Confederate there remains disagreement among Christians. Thankfully, the Apostle Paul shared principles with Hebrew and Gentile believers to govern their own handling of cultural differences. Join Chris to learn how these truths, when applied, can be extremely transformative to Christian understanding and a church’s relationship with Confederate icons.
Session B - Wednesday, Nov 9 (1:30p)
Cheap Diversity or True Solidarity? • David Swanson
When confronted by racial injustice in our society, many white pastors scramble to add diversity to their churches. But is diversity really the answer to racial dysfunction? Join David to learn the why and how of first addressing faulty discipleship to rightly pursue and foster racial reconciliation within the church.
Session C - Thursday, Nov 10 (10:45a)|
De-colonizing the Gospel Among a Colonized People • Coreen Esplin & Jason Koppen
In part due to Western syncretism, the history of Gospel witness among Native Americans is one of Church history's greatest failures. In this workshop, a team of staff and students from Indian Bible College will unpack this troubled history and present a Christ-centered path forward for engaging ministry partnerships between Natives and non-Natives.
Session D - Thursday, Nov 10 (1:30p)
A Way Out of No Way • Christopher Harris
Leading people in and through these contentious, complex, and divisive times creates spiritual, emotional, mental, and relational anxiety for pastors. Yet this tension and angst is not God’s expectation for pastors or the churches they lead. Is there a way out of no way? Yes, there is, and in this session Christopher will breakdown it down.