Esau McCauley (video)

Esau McCaulley, PhD is an author and associate professor of New Testament at Wheaton College in Wheaton, IL. His research and writing focus on New Testament theology, African American Biblical interpretation, and articulating Christian public theology. He completed his doctoral studies at the University of St. Andrews where he studied under the direction of N.T.…

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Matt Metzger

Matt Metzger grew up in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, while his wife Rachel grew up in Madison, attending Blackhawk Church from a very young age. They met at Wheaton College in Illinois, got married at Blackhawk in 1994. Matt’s ministry career started in Youth Ministry in Fort Lauderdale in 1993.  Matt joined the Blackhawk staff in…

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Walter Kim

Walter Kim became the president of the National Association of Evangelicals in January 2020. He previously served as a pastor at Boston’s historic Park Street Church and at churches in Vancouver, Canada and Charlottesville, Virginia, as well as a campus chaplain at Yale University. He preaches, writes and engages in collaborative leadership to connect the…

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Jay Kim

Jay Kim serves as lead pastor at WestGate Church. He’s the author of Analog Church and Analog Christian, and he and his wife, Jenny, live in the Silicon Valley of California with their two children. You can follow him on Twitter.

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Charles Yu

Charles Yu spent his early childhood in Taiwan and immigrated with his family to Southern California when he was ten. At UC Berkeley, he met his wife Serena and received a B.S. in electrical engineering. As they sojourned in Vancouver, British Columbia, Charles got his Master of Divinity at Regent College and worked as a…

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Karen Dowling

Dr. Karen A. Dowling is the Vice President for Diversity and Intercultural Integration at Indiana Wesleyan University. The role allows her to promote inclusive excellence, equip for equitable practices, and guide the strategic planning processes for DEI. Her research, practice and ministry work focus on cultural responsiveness and belonging. Karen is passionate about inclusion and…

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Mont Mitchell

Mont Mitchell is the Lead Pastor of Westbrook Christian Church in Bolingbrook, Il which is a southwestern suburb of the great city of Chicago. Mont and his family moved to the Chicago area in February of 1996 and planted Westbrook in October of 1996. Westbrook is a multicultural church committed to reaching all people of all…

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Libin Abraham

Libin Abraham was born in South India and spent most of his childhood in Chattanooga, TN. Libin comes from a family of Pastors and has been in pastoral ministry since 2007. Libin is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary and is finishing his Ph.D. work at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Having led at large multicultural…

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Paul Kroger

Paul Kroger is a pastor, community developer, and coach. He has helped lead high-growth, high-performing organizations for over 40 years. Currently, Paul serves as the Executive Director of Vine & Village, a 501(c)(3) non profit community development corporation, operating in conjunction with Mosaic Church in Little Rock, AR. He was raised on a farm in Nebraska…

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Mekdes Haddis

Mekdes Haddis is the Project Director of Racial Justice and Reconciliation at the National Association of Evangelicals. She is the author of “A Just Mission: Laying Down Power and Embracing Mutuality ”. Mekdes holds a B.S in Communication from Liberty University and a Masters’ in Organizational Leadership from Columbia International University. As an Ethiopian American she is passionate…

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