SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 (8:30 AM - 4:15 PM)
10200 E Girard Ave Building D, Denver, CO 80231
Feedback from the 2022 National Conference surfaced a need to:
> To experience the personal encouragement, connect with others of like-mind, and access the specialized equipping that Mosaix delivers to ministry leaders, more than once every three years.
> To bring their entire staff teams as well as key lay leadership to an in-person experience with Mosaix.
For this reason, these events are scheduled to take place on Saturdays.
Food trucks onsite for lunch purchase
- $59 per ticket (groups of 10+)
- $69 per ticket (groups of 2-9)
- $79 per ticket
These 1-day events mimic the Thursday schedule of Mosaix’ triennial National Conference
- Plenary I (worship; two 8-minute talks and three 16-minute talks)
- Workshops A (choose from 5 to attend)
- Lunch (with opportunities for networking)
- Workshops B (choose from 5 to attend)
- Plenary II (worship; two 8-minute talks and three 16-minute talks)
In sailing, tacking is a maneuver used by mariners to keep a ship moving when winds have shifted from back to front and it’s otherwise unable to make forward progress. Similarly, cultural winds have shifted in our lifetime and for all intent and purposes our boat, the collective witness of the church, seems dead in the water. Why? In part because church sails remain fixed for past winds while ministry leaders wait in hope they’ll soon again shift. But they won’t. Those days are gone. We are no longer sailing with the wind at our backs... Cultural winds are against us. In order to advance the gospel, the local church, and the kingdom of God in this day and age as well as in years to come we need now to swing the boom. Indeed, we must tack to the wind. And that's what these events are all about.
For those in need of lodging, contact the Hilton Garden Inn (+1 303-770-4200). The rooms are already fairly priced so you will not need a discount code.
PLENARY I SPEAKERS (Morning, 8:30a - 10:25a)
Mark DeYmaz
Clarissa McNeill
Angel Jordan
Brandon Washington
Lisa Rodriguez-Watson
PLENARY II SPEAKERS (Afternoon, 2:40p - 4:15p)
Joshua Chavez
Zach Zehnder
RJ Marshall
Michelle Ferrigno Warren
Nirup Alphonse
WORKSHOPS A (Morning, 10:45a - 11:50a)
A Needed Posture of the Church for Our Culture Today
Lisa Rodriguez-Watson & Rowland Smith
The church faces new challenges bringing good news to today’s divisive and chaotic culture. Our world needs communities of faith that are tangible examples of the good news of Jesus. Join Lisa and Rowland as they discuss how faith communities can take new postures that more effectively participate in God’s mission.
Discover How Innovative Ministry Leaders Are Reaching The Culture
Matt Smay
Innovation is happening all around us. Matt will unpack these learnings and discuss how the "Big C" Church is winning through its collective effort in geographic areas. You will see how faith campaigns like He Gets Us are helping churches reach into places they haven't been able to in the past! Learn new approaches to attract, get, keep, grow, and multiply people in your ministry.
Partnering with Latinos and Latino Churches
Angel Jordan
Representing nearly one out of every six adults, and with four out of five identifying as Christians, Latinos are not only influencing America today but forging the future of Christianity. In this workshop, Angel will highlight their growing impact and discuss how non-Latino churches today can engage and partner with them.
Thin Places: Where Multiethnic Worship & Discipleship Meet
Clarissa McNeill
The thin place is said to be that place where the space between Heaven and Earth is thin and we are more aware of God. These encounters mold and shape us as followers of Christ and for worship leaders, our greatest desire is to create space for these kinds of encounters in our services. But it all starts first with fostering your team’s spiritual hunger through discipleship. In this session, Clarissa will share what it means to disciple your multiethnic worship team to encourage spiritual hunger and a desire for the thin place.
Being Socially Just People in a Divided Church & World
Michelle Ferrigno Warren
As followers of Christ, engaging poverty, immigration, and racial brokenness with kingdom justice is challenging in our divided world. With themes of proximity, resistance and deeply planted roots, this workshop equips peacemakers with tools to approach & engage social concerns with God’s mercy and justice, strengthening them for the long, necessary work of repairing social and systemic brokenness with the peace of Christ.
Juneteenth: Faith and Freedom
RJ Marshall
Faith and Freedom is an unscripted documentary that invites viewers into the story of Juneteenth to learn how Scripture inspired the faith of enslaved people, and more about the holiday from the direct descendants of those liberated. In this workshop, RJ will facilitate discussion together with Michael Owen from Our Daily Bread. Come screen a portion of the film and following discussion, consider how to leverage it within your own church or organizational context.
WORKSHOPS B (Afternoon, 1:15p-2:20p)
Culturally Intelligent Multipliers
Santes Beatty & Reid Hettich
Pursuit of cross-cultural intelligence and competence is today a non-negotiable for ministry leaders attempting to reach an increasingly diverse and cynical society. How can we leverage cultural intelligence to make disciples and multiply? In this session, Santes and Reid will share time-tested insights and practical tools to help you move people from conversations to transformative engagement in your own organizational context.
Staying the Course in Turbulent Times
Angie Ward
We live and lead in turbulent times where tensions and trauma are up and trust is in precipitous decline. How can we strengthen our heart, mind, soul, and leadership to stay the course when the work is so urgent, the challenges so large, and the chances of burnout are greater than ever before? In this session, Angie will help you find and restore clarity and passion for the work to which you have been called.
Transitioning from Mono- to Multiethnic and International
Jeff Noble
Is it possible for a well established, mono-ethnic church to transition into an international church for all people? Not only is it possible but it can be an exciting ride for all who will themselves to the journey! In this workshop, Jeff will share lessons learned, mistakes made, and promising practices from his own experience in leading New Life Community Church (Aurora) to become multiethnic.
Have We Domesticated the Gospel?
Brandon Washington
American Evangelicals today treat the sacrificial work of Christ as the means to heavenly reward (i.e., eternal life) but we often overlook the gospel's temporal worth (i.e., abundant life). In this workshop, Brandon will consider the need to present a credible, comprehensive, and compelling witness of the gospel, one that points others to eternal life without neglecting to the gospel’s tangible present-day relevance.
Elevating the Quality and Quantity of Disciples at Your Church
Zach Zehnder
According to research, the number one skill pastors say they need to develop is disciple making. Join Zach to learn the most important aspect of any disciple making strategy, what's typically missing, and how to maximize what is already being done to improve the quality and quantity of disciples at your church.