SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2024 (8:30 AM - 4:00 PM)


City of Grace

655 E University Dr. Mesa AZ 85203




Feedback from the 2022 National Conference surfaced a need to:

> To experience the personal encouragement, connect with others of like-mind, and access the specialized equipping that Mosaix delivers to ministry leaders, more than once every three years.

> To bring their entire staff teams as well as key lay leadership to an in-person experience with Mosaix.

For this reason, these events are scheduled to take place on Saturdays.

Note: Your lunch is included in the ticket price!

  • $79 per ticket (groups of 10+)
  • $89 per ticket (groups of 2-9)
  • $99 per ticket

These 1-day events mimic the Thursday schedule of Mosaix’ triennial National Conference

  • Plenary I (worship; two 8-minute talks and three 16-minute talks)
  • Workshops A (choose from 5 to attend)
  • Lunch (with opportunities for networking)
  • Workshops B (choose from 5 to attend)
  • Plenary II (worship; two 8-minute talks and three 16-minute talks)

In sailing, tacking is a maneuver used by mariners to keep a ship moving when winds have shifted from back to front and it’s otherwise unable to make forward progress. Similarly, cultural winds have shifted in our lifetime and for all intent and purposes our boat, the collective witness of the church, seems dead in the water. Why? In part because church sails remain fixed for past winds while ministry leaders wait in hope they’ll soon again shift. But they won’t. Those days are gone. We are no longer sailing with the wind at our backs... Cultural winds are against us. In order to advance the gospel, the local church, and the kingdom of God in this day and age as well as in years to come we need now to swing the boom. Indeed, we must tack to the wind. And that's what these events are all about.